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Six Common Edible Plants Toxic to Your Pet

Lauren M.

Chamomile: Chamomile is nice for teas or sometimes as a topical. Yet, it can be hazardous to your pets if ingested in large quantities or for prolonged periods of time. Wellness blogs may recommend chamomile as a remedy for gastrointestinal issues and anxiety. We recommend consulting your veterinarian if you are incorporating chamomile into your dog's diet.

Chives, Leeks, Onion, Shallots, and Garlic: All these great-tasting plants belong to the allium family. These herbs and spices are great to flavor your food, but not so great for your feline or canine companions. The most toxic in this family is garlic. Consumption of this herb can lead to digestive problems. Issues such as nausea, diarrhea, irritation of the mouth, vomiting, and excessive drooling. Symptoms after consumption can take minutes to days to present themselves. If your pet consumes a large quantity, the results can be fatal.

Hops: Hops poisoning among dogs is becoming more common as folks take up homebrewing. All forms of hops are dangerous for canine friends. Their temperature after consumption. Symptoms are panting, vomiting, diarrhea, quickened breath, and an increase in heart rate. These symptoms will present themselves about 30 minutes after ingestion. Call your veterinarian or take your pet to the clinic immediately. Hops poisoning is completely treatable. If left untreated it can be fatal.

Bay Laurel: This spice is perfect for stews and gumbo, but it’s toxic to our canine companions. The leaf is tough and fibrous, making it difficult to break down. The sharp edges can harm the gastrointestinal tract once consumed. Your pet will experience gastrointestinal issues if they eat a large amount.

Grapes & Currants: Keep grapes in all forms away from your dog...and yes, that means raisins, too. Veterinarians are unsure what exactly in the fruit is toxic. One thing is certain. Consumption of grapes and currants can cause kidney failure. Every dog is different. Veterinarians do not know how many grapes will cause symptoms. Some dogs need to eat a large amount to feel side effects. Others are more sensitive and may begin to feel nasty effects after eating a few grapes. Keep grapes and currants away from your dog at all times.

Rhubarb: The official consensus is that rhubarb leaves are poisonous while the stems are not. The leaves contain soluble calcium oxalates. This can cause kidney failure, tremors, and salivation if your dog eats too much. Ensure that your garden area is gated and inaccessible to your feline and canine friends.



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